by Mitch Anthony and Paul Armson Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. All too often, financial planning is reduced to dollars and cents, when it’s actually about the people behind the numbers. In Life Centered Financial Planning: How to Deliver Value That Will Never Be Undervalued, clients’ lives are put back at the forefront of financial planning with a life centered guide for financial planners that brings tremendous value to clients and their families. This book is a reminder to financial planners that what matters most to their clients is not the size of their portfolio but the life opportunities that their money affords them. Life Centered Financial Planning shows financial planners how to put a client’s life at the very center of their service proposition—and in the process help their clients to get the best life possible with the money they have. Readers of this book will make themselves indispensable to the clients they serve. Life Centered Financial Planning is written in three parts: Part One analyzes the industry’s focus on assets-under-management metrics and incessant product pushing. It advocates for a return to a truly client-centered service. Part Two discusses how advisors can shift their financial planning practices to ones based on life centered planning. We examine the soft skills necessary to really engage with your clients and teach you to focus on the values that really matter in your clients’ lives. Part Three looks to the future of financial planning and challenges readers to envision a trusted financial planning profession that puts life first, money second. The book provides a blueprint for any experienced or aspiring financial planner who hopes to grow and improve their practice. Life Centered Financial Planning is an indispensable guide to making yourself invaluable to your clients.
by Mitch Anthony and Scott West
Named the number one "must read" by Financial Planning Magazine! Highly persuasive individuals—including many top financial professionals—engage clients by using similes, metaphors, anecdotes, and illustrations. They ask open-ended questions and listen intently to clients' stories, histories, and backgrounds to elicit valuable information and make deep human connections. This communication style allows them to better serve their clients' financial needs. In this bestselling classic, authors Scott West and Mitch Anthony explain how to make these intuitive connections, and they outline understandable and practical strategies that any financial professional can use.For quantity orders, or orders outside of the U.S., email info@mitchanthony.com
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by Mitch Anthony and Scott West
Available as an E-book onlyHighly persuasive individuals, including many top advisors, engage clients by using metaphors, anecdotes, and illustrations. They ask open-ended questions, and listen to clients’ answers in order to elicit valuable information and make deep human connections. This communication style allows them to better serve their clients’ financial needs—and also become more successful advisors. In Storyselling Revisited, a revised and expanded edition of their groundbreaking book Storyselling for Financial Advisors, authors Scott West and Mitch Anthony explain how to make these intuitive connections. They outline clear and practical strategies that any advisor can use to engage prospects and clients. The stories of Warren Buffett—still one of the greatest “storysellers” of all time—and others help advisors tap into the power of storyselling and learn how to engage both sides of the brain—the logical side and the emotional, intuitive side. Storyselling persuasion techniques include:
- Understanding your client’s story before attempting to tell your own story
- Appreciating the power of emotion in the decision-making process
- Standing out in a "me-too" marketplace
- Developing powerful and impactful story openers
- Using objects and props to describe value propositions and concepts
- Understanding the power of the analogy and metaphor in explaining your products and services
Available as an E-book from Amazon:
Also available as an Audiobook from these retailers:
Join the tens of thousands of people who have already developed a “new retirementality” mindset and made retirement happen—on their own terms. In 2000, when Mitch first presented a new way of thinking about retirement, it was novel, and many critics didn't buy into it. Originally written to get the attention of baby boomers, Mitch ended up starting a revolution by showing us that everything we had read about retirement was wrong―we needed a "new retirementality." Fast-forward to today, when most of us are facing a very different retirement: fewer pensions, escalating healthcare costs, and inadequate savings. For many of us, retirement may never happen, or it will take place much later than we expected. Far from being full of doom and gloom, The New Retirementality, Fifth Edition, offers a message of hope, along with a roadmap for navigating the choppy waters of retirement planning. While most books focus on Return on Investment, Mitch shows us that Return on Life™―living the best life possible with the resources we have―is a more fulfilling and achievable approach. New to this edition:
- The latest research and studies, as well as a discussion of Life-Centered Planning™―a unique approach to financial and retirement planning, focused on individual goals and needs instead of the outmoded one-size-fits-all approach.
- The role of purpose in retirement planning, including the expanding role of work in retirement, and why it can take three or four tries to get retirement right.
- The ROL Index for helping you analyze and reflect on how you are using your money toward improving your life, and worksheets to help you get organized.
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Know Your Clients and the Rest Will Follow by Scott West and Mitch Anthony Second Edition Want to create client connections that won't be broken? Scott West and Mitch Anthony spent more than three years studying financial advisors who managed 100 percent of their clients’ assets. What Scott and Mitch found was eye opening: the most successful advisors had mastered an innate ability to get their clients to tell them their stories. When these advisors asked clients about their stories, those clients felt interesting, important—and listened to. As a result, they shared much more than they would have by simply answering questions on a checklist. Advisors gained both an appreciation, and a deeper understanding, for the individual they were working with. The empathetic connection became so powerful that it was next to impossible for any competitor to come between that advisor and their client. The second edition of this perennial favorite includes:
- Tools and ideas for starting client conversations
- The use of dialogues to assist you in learning more about your clients
- An approach for integrating your client’s unique circumstances, transitions, and goals into a winning financial plan
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by Scott West, David Saylor & Mitch Anthony Illustrations by Greg Wimmer The Financial Professional's StoryBook is the follow-up to StorySelling for Financial Advisors. This practical and easy-to-read collection contains more than 200 engaging analogies and metaphors that help simplify Wall Street jargon for Main Street investors. The stories were gathered and refined from hundreds of financial advisors, wholesalers, and other professionals who excel at StorySelling. The wide range of investment topics include:
- The Value of a Good Advisor
- Equity Investing
- Understanding Risks
- The Benefits of a Comprehensive Financial Plan
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The Definitive Guide to Becoming a Successful Financial Life Planner by Mitch Anthony
The financial services industry is changing as financial professionals face a growing demand to take a more client-centered approach. Clients are looking for more comprehensive guidance on how financial issues fit into a whole life plan. Seeking more than just return on investment, investors are proactively soliciting professional help in funding a lifestyle with satisfaction at its core. In Your Clients for Life, Mitch Anthony shows financial professionals how to get started in this innovative and holistic approach to financial planning. By embracing this new paradigm, advisors will learn how to:- Integrate financial and life planning issues for clients.
- Grow a practice based on the life-planning model.
- Compete effectively in a changing industry.
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The Financial Services Revolution and What it Means to You and Your Clients by Mitch Anthony Over the years, the financial services industry has consistently failed to help its clients deal with some of the most important internal aspects of money such as meaning, emotion, and intention. However, recent events have started to change the "boiler room template" from which this industry was originally cast, and has allowed advisors within it to refocus on building more meaningful relationships with their clients. Today, a major revolution is underway in the financial services industry, and it's based on the idea of understanding what your clients are really asking for: authenticity and integrity. Advisors who embrace this change will prosper in the years ahead, while those who don't will fail, and ultimately become extinct. In From the Boiler Room to the Living Room, Mitch examines where the financial services industry has failed, and what it needs to do to restore trust at both the individual and industry levels. He takes the time to discuss the subtle steps advisors should take to improve client relationships, such as becoming more aware of the emotional significance clients attach to their money and the struggles they face in an attempt to get "more life for their money." Mitch addresses essential issues that could very well affect your clients' lives at critical junctures, including the possibility of disability and the rearrangement of retirement. He also discusses why embracing venture philanthropy, funding single moments, and rethinking one's purpose in life is more important to today's client than net worth or asset allocation. Filled with in-depth insights and expert advice, From the Boiler Room to the Living Room is a must read for any financial advisor or institution intent on adapting to the changing times and forging meaningful, long-term connections with current and future clients.
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by Mitch Anthony Illustrations by Greg Wimmer (Three hardcover books, color throughout, plus slipcase) Want a creative way to teach kids about the importance of fiscal responsibility? Mitch Anthony's The Financial Lit-Kit delivers a powerful message in an entertaining way: good financial habits take time, patience, and persistence. The Financial Lit-Kit is a three-volume library that includes these popular books:
- The Cash in the Hat
- The Bean is Not Green
- Where Did the Money Go?
- Spending (Where Did the Money Go?)
- Managing Debt (The Cash in the Hat)
- Investing (The Bean is Not Green)
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by Mitch Anthony Illustrations by Greg Wimmer (Hardcover, Color throughout) Families need to understand the importance of getting their debt under control in a way that will make them stand up, take notice, and take action. How much they spend is the only financial issue totally within their control. In a style that is reminiscent of Dr. Seuss but fortified with the common sense of Warren Buffet, The Cash in the Hat is a simple story that delivers a powerful message in an entertaining way: if you don't get your financial house in order, you're sunk. Based on feedback and requests from financial professionals for a tool that will help them get the word out about understanding the importance of financial discipline, Mitch Anthony and artist Greg Wimmer have created a beautifully illustrated book to help families understand the importance of living within their means. If you or someone you know hasn't responded well to charts, checklists, graphs, or 350-page tomes about how to be a better investor, The Cash in the Hat is the perfect way to help drive home the message of fiscal responsibility. Mitch is committed to helping every investor in America understand the importance of taking control of their financial future without being berated, bulldozed, or bullied. The Cash in the Hat drives home the message of financial fitness in an entertaining way that both adults and their children can appreciate. This book is the first in Mitch Anthony's three-volume series, Financial Lit-Kit Collection.
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by Mitch Anthony Illustrations by Greg Wimmer (DVD and Discussion Guide) Families need to understand the importance of getting their debt under control in a way that will make them stand up, take notice, and take action. How much they spend is the only financial issue totally within their control. In a style that is reminiscent of Dr. Seuss but fortified with the common sense of Warren Buffet, The Cash in the Hat is a simple story that delivers a powerful message in an entertaining way: if you don't get your financial house in order, you're sunk. Based on feedback and requests from financial professionals for a tool that will help them get the word out about understanding the importance of financial discipline, Mitch Anthony and artist Greg Wimmer have created a beautifully illustrated book to help families understand the importance of living within their means. If you or someone you know hasn't responded well to charts, checklists, graphs, or 350-page tomes about how to be a better investor, The Cash in the Hat is the perfect way to help drive home the message of fiscal responsibility. Mitch is committed to helping every investor in America understand the importance of taking control of their financial future without being berated, bulldozed, or bullied. The Cash in the Hat drives home the message of financial fitness in an entertaining way that both adults and their children can appreciate. This book is part of Mitch Anthony's Financial Lit-Kit Collection The DVD without the Discussion Guide can be purchased for $15; the DVD with the Discussion Guide is $29. The DVD, Disussion Guide, plus 10 books, can be purchased for $125. For quantity orders, or orders outside of the U.S., email info@mitchanthony.com For regular U.S orders:
by Mitch Anthony Illustrations by Greg Wimmer (Hardcover, Color throughout) Can't convince your clients that they're in a marathon, not a sprint? According to a Dalbar study, investors don't have the patience to stay invested for more than a few years. Chances are your clients are feeling frustrated by the market's rollercoaster fluctuations. Despite your recommendations, are they buying high and selling low because they're impatient? How can you educate your clients to accept that investing requires a long-term outlook? The Bean is not Green delivers a powerful message in an entertaining way: it takes time and patience to grow your investments. If your clients are having a hard time holding on despite your advice, The Bean is not Green is the perfect way to get your message across in a fun and entertaining way. Instead of a mug or calendar this year, how about giving a gift that will lead to a fruitful conversation? This book is the second in Mitch Anthony's three-volume series, Financial Lit-Kit Collection.
For quantity orders, or orders outside of the U.S., email info@mitchanthony.com
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by Mitch Anthony Illustrations by Greg Wimmer (DVD) Can't convince your clients that they're in a marathon, not a sprint? According to a Dalbar study, investors don't have the patience to stay invested for more than a few years. Chances are your clients are feeling frustrated by the market's rollercoaster fluctuations. Despite your recommendations, are they buying high and selling low because they're impatient? How can you educate your clients to accept that investing requires a long-term outlook? https://youtu.be/vXUuw-ZVM10 The Bean is not Green delivers a powerful message in an entertaining way: it takes time and patience to grow your investments. If your clients are having a hard time holding on despite your advice, The Bean is not Green is the perfect way to get your message across in a fun and entertaining way. Instead of a mug or calendar this year, how about giving a gift that will lead to a fruitful conversation? The accompanying book of the same name is part of Mitch Anthony's Financial Lit-Kit Collection For quantity orders, or orders outside of the U.S., email info@mitchanthony.com For regular U.S orders:
by Mitch Anthony Illustrations by Greg Wimmer (Hardcover, Color throughout) Good financial habits take time, patience, and persistence—but that doesn't mean learning about them needs to be boring. In the third and final volume of Mitch Anthony's The Financial Lit-Kit, readers will learn the importance of budgeting and sticking to a plan as they help Private "Eye" Guy and his Lost Money Hound solve the mystery of what happened to Molly and Wally's money. Both children and parents will discover what transpires when they don't pay attention, and instead allow impulsive decisions and unscrupulous people to make decisions for them. Beautifully illustrated and fun to read, Where Did the Money Go? will help all family members understand the importance of living within their means. The book can be read alone, or in conjunction with The Cash in the Hat and The Bean is Not Green. When it comes to learning about money, study after study has shown that not teaching kids about the importance of managing money responsibly can lead to bad money decisions later in life.
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5 Skills for Building Stronger Client Relationships by Mitch Anthony
In today's ultra-competitive business environment, it's not enough for sales professionals to be adept at technical and tactical skills such as getting appointments, making presentations, and closing deals. To really succeed, they must develop and apply their relational skills—or what is known as emotional intelligence—to help them connect with people, recognize customer wants and needs, and build strong, lasting relationships. In Selling with Emotional Intelligence, Mitch Anthony presents the first-ever examination of emotional intelligence as it relates to sales performance. Readers will learn what emotional intelligence is, and how they can implement a proven program for increasing their own emotional intelligence, therefore improving their sales success. The book explores the five steps of Mitch's proprietary program, ARROW: Awareness: Tuning into your natural strengths and weaknesses Restraint: Identifying negative emotions that can damage relationships, inflict pain, and cost money. Resilience: Learning to develop an optimistic, persistent nature. Others (Empathy): Discerning feelings and motives/learning to be a better listener and observer. Working with Others (Building Rapport): Communicating/learning to relate to and lead others.For quantity orders, or orders outside of the U.S., email info@mitchanthony.com
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A Little Book About a Big Idea by Scott West and Mitch Anthony Instead of conversing, we message each other, which leaves us open to misinterpretation—or worse. In conversation, you can hear the inflection; the cadence; the mood. With messaging (including texting), it is far too easy to misread intentions—simply put, too many people don't know how to have a meaningful conversation. Defining Conversations is a book about how to have conversations of substance—the ones that get real results. In this short and entertaining book, Mitch Anthony and Scott West will show you how to understand other points of view, hear both thoughts and feelings on a topic, and comprehend a conversation's significance. They'll introduce you to conversation saboteurs, show you how to identify counterfeit conversations, and reveal the one question that will set you apart. Whether you are an initiator or a respondent in a conversation, once you master a defining conversation, your credibility will rise—as will the quality of people who seek you out. There are issues in business and in life that are too important to be addressed by messaging or texting. The bottom line is that in order to make progress in working with and relating to others, you must understand how to identify and have defining conversations.
For quantity orders, or orders outside of the U.S., email info@mitchanthony.com
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Maximizing the Power of Your Personality, Presentations, and Presence by Mitch Anthony and Gary DeMoss In Making the Client Connection, Mitch Anthony and Gary DeMoss show readers the skills that every sales professional needs to know to build a deeper level of trust with his or her clients. After using the invaluable techniques demonstrated in this book, you'll be able to:
- Meet, greet, and treat your clients in ways that will make them instantly trust you.
- Use your emotional intelligence to your best advantage.
- Become a better observer of personality and use that understanding to better serve your clients.
- Negotiate compromises and resolve conflicts instantly.
- Polish your presentation skills
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240 Ideas and Stories that Motivate and Inspire by Mitch Anthony Start each working day by reading a story that will help you maintain a positive focus—one of the key habits of successful people. As Mitch often says, "Life happens, but ultimately, life is whatever you make it." Inspired by Mitch's popular radio program of the same name, The Daily Dose is designed to offer positive perspectives in four critical areas of life:
- Adjusting Your Attitude
- Building Your Relationships
- Fulfilling Your Potential
- Tapping Into Time-Tested Values
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